Teaching your dog a few tricks is an excellent way to bond with your furry friend and ensure a strong, happy and healthy relationship. It’s important to ask your parents before training your dog. They will need to supervise and can help out if you get stuck with the training. We have come up with 6 cool tricks that are easy to teach and impressive for your friends and family to watch!

6 Cool tricks to teach your dog


  1. Grab some treats and capture your dog’s attention.

  2. Show them a treat and move the treat from their nose to above their head. This will encourage your dog to sit down to reach the treat.

  3. As soon as your dog sits down, say “sit” and reward them with a treat. Pat and praise them for doing a great job.

  4. Repeat 2-3 times with a treat then continue using your empty hand, still rewarding with praise and pats when they sit.

    Important: never physically push your dog into sitting position as this can be confusing and upsetting for your dog.

6 Cool tricks to teach your dog


  1. Grab at treat or toy and capture your dog’s attention.

  2. Show them the toy or treat then quickly move a few paces away. Say their name and “come” in a friendly, exciting way.

  3. When they come, gently hold their collar and give them a treat or toy. Pat and praise them for doing a good job.

  4. Gradually increase the distance between you and your dog, repeating the call and reward.

    Tip: when practicing this command on walks, bring along your dog’s favourite treats/toys so you can keep rewarding them when they come back.

6 Cool tricks to teach your dog


  1. Grab some treats and capture your dog’s attention.

  2. Ask your dog to sit and hold your hand up like a stop signal, with the palm of your hand facing your dog.

  3. Wait a few seconds, then say “stay” and reward your dog. Make sure they are still sitting down when you give the reward.

  4. Practice this many times gradually increasing the amount of time your dog stays sitting before a reward. Then start to gradually increase the distance between you and your dog, starting with one step back.

    Tip: be patient. If your dog breaks the “stay” command don’t shout at them. Play with them instead and try again another day.

6 Cool tricks to teach your dog


  1. Pick out a ball or toy and show your dog, encouraging them to play and get excited about it.

  2. Place the toy near you on the ground. As your dog gets close to it or touches their nose on the toy, reward them with praise, a pat or treat. Start moving the ball or toy around, encouraging your dog to touch it and rewarding them when they do.

  3. Now its time to start rewarding them for picking up the ball or toy in their mouth. Be patient. Place the toy on the ground at arms length. Keep encouraging and as soon as they start using their mouth act like its the best thing you have ever seen, rewarding them at the same time.

  4. Next toss the ball or toy a few steps in front of you. When they pick it up reward them. Then toss the ball or toy and encourage them to bring it back to you. When they do reward them.

  5. Next you can start to throw the ball or toy further, adding “fetch” as you go. Again, reward your dog when they bring it back to you.

    Important: some dogs may never learn to love “fetch”. You can teach them the trick, but they may not enjoy the game. If this is the case, focus on another trick that they like.

6 Cool tricks to teach your dog

Shake Hands

  1. Grab some treats and capture your dog’s attention.

  2. Ask your dog to “sit” and show them the treat. Then close your hand over the treat and hold it near your dog’s paw.

  3. If your dog stands up, ask them to sit again. If they lift their paw a little or shift their weight onto their other paw, reward them with praise, pats and a treat.

  4. Most dogs will use their paw to try and get the treat. As soon as this happens, praise them and open your hand to reward them with the treat. At the same time hold your other hand out flat to shake your dogs paw when they lift it.

  5. When your dog is reliably lifting their paw for a treat, add the word “shake”. Gradually phase out the treats when they get the hang of the trick and use praise and pats instead.

    Tip: always end on a positive note. If your dog isn’t mastering “shake”, go back to a trick that your dog knows well and reward them for doing that.

6 Cool tricks to teach your dog

Lie Down

  1. Grab some treats and capture your dog’s attention.

  2. Ask your dog to “sit” and show them the treat. Kneel down or squat and say “down” while holding the treat near the floor, between your dog’s front legs.

  3. Your dog should naturally lie down to get to the treat. As soon as he does, give your dog a treat and praise/pat them. Keep practicing until they understand your hand on the floor and the command “down” means your want them to lie down.

  4. Gradually phase out the treats when your dog has the hang of the trick and use praise or pats instead.

    Tip: If you are struggling with this trick, sit on the floor with your dog to your side and your legs crouched up like a tent. Show your dog the treat, then position it under your legs, then slowly move the treat through the tunnel of your legs so your dog has to crouch down under your legs to get it.