Having to Say Goodbye and Art Therapy By Tina Corcoran

Having to say goodbye and art therapy

“I understand how the loss of a pet can bring so much sadness”

When a dear animal companion is terminally ill or we have to make that choice to euthanise, no-one can fully understand the distress and sense of hurt and sadness we all feel. Our beloved animal companions are part of our families. They can engage in most things we do and can fill the void of loneliness we can all, at times feel. They give us unconditional love and ask nothing back in return and yet still manage to help us through the challenging times.

When we have to say goodbye to a dear animal companion, it helps to talk to someone who will hear and go through this journey together.

Art Therapy can help someone or a family honour fond memories and help to heal a broken heart.

Having to say goodbye and art therapy

What is Art Therapy?

Art Therapy is a form of counselling that explores creative ways to help you move through concerns, life transitions and grief.

Art Therapy utilises methods of visual art, collage and other therapeutic methods to give a voice and expression to feelings and life experiences that are otherwise difficult to put into words.

How can it assist?

It creates a platform to express creatively fond memories and builds on mindfulness techniques to assist our mind and body heal from the grief experienced with a loss of a beloved pet companion. 

It can assist a person and/or family find new ways of letting go, whilst treasuring fond memories in a safe and therapeutic environment.

Having to say goodbye and art therapy

Benefits of Art Therapy

Art Therapy activates all our senses.

It can help address trauma from the past.

It is beneficial for all ages and no artistic skills are required in the process. Only an open mind to create and explore.

The Art process focuses on the shapes, colours and patterns created and can bring about new knowing, possibilities and peace to take you from dark situations into the light again.

Having to say goodbye and art therapy

What might a session look like?

My aim is for you and/or your family to feel safe and heard. I will go on this journey with you and listen with no judgement on memories shared. I may invite you to do an art presentation to honour your beloved pet companion, or we may engage in a mindfulness or creative experience to find new ways of letting go and to heal mind and body.

This all takes place in my Therapeutic private practice in the Berwick region.

“You don’t have to go on this journey alone, I am with you every step of the way”

Having to say goodbye and art therapy

About your Therapist

Hi my name is Tina and I am an Art Therapist. Nine years ago my husband and I had to say goodbye to our beloved Maltese Shih tzu Penny. She was our fur baby and helped us move forward from unsuccessful IVF treatments. It was the saddest day and one that truly broke my heart. Unless you have loved a pet in your life no-one can fully understand how it feels to say goodbye. I found some relatives telling us “You will get over it” or “Just buy a another one”. It’s just not that simple - it takes time to heal that empty feeling when it happens. Penny died of heart failure and will continue to live in our hearts.

My goal as a therapist is to assist my clients of all ages gain a quality of life that is enriched with possibilities and to embrace change with more confidence and mindfulness. I want you to feel safe and heard and to give yourself permission to cry because that sense of sadness is real and your beloved animal companion mattered. Whether you own a beloved fur baby, feathered friend, reptile or an exotic animal, when a pet leaves us, it is natural to grieve. 

Veterinary clinics these days can advise on rituals that can be part of the farewell of your companion pet either at the clinic or at home and referrals to someone like me as an art therapist can assist with the grieving process.

A few years later we welcomed another little furry companion to become part of our lives. Her name is “Honey” and she is a Teddy bear Cavoodle. She is part of my practice and is optional if you book in sessions with me.

“Pets continue to live through us. Let’s take that first step together to honour their Lives”.


For more information visit www.embracingchangetherapies.com.au or you can follow Tina on Instagram or Facebook.

Belinda Vaughan