Silent but deadly. Loud and proud. Sneaky but squeaky. Does your dog fall into one of these categories? Flatulence from your dog may be funny but it is never pleasant and it can be quite embarrassing if you have guests over. Whilst the occasional smelly fart is alright, excessive gas could indicate a problem. So, let’s look at why dogs fart and how you can help them overcome this smelly problem.  

Why do dogs fart

Food intolerances or allergy

A food intolerance or allergy can make it difficult for your dog to digest certain foods. This can cause indigestion, diarrhoea and gas. To determine if you dog has a food allergy or intolerance, your vet may recommend an elimination process that restricts their diet and identifies the offending ingredient. Your vet can give you full details on how to carry this out for your pet. It’s important not to feed your pet any of the potential allergens during this elimination process to get clear results and ensure your vet can prescribe an effective treatment program.

Lactose intolerance is a common issue for adult dogs. So, if your dog is eating cheese, milk or other dairy products, giving them too much may be resulting in digestive issues and flatulence.

Why do dogs fart

Poor diet

Often lower quality dog foods contain filler ingredients that can be difficult for your dog to digest. If your dog hasn’t eaten anything unusual lately then their gas could be a result of their everyday diet.

Nutrition is an important part of pet care. A complete and balanced diet is essential for your pet’s health and wellbeing. At Woofpurnay, we offer a wide range of premium pet food products to suit your pet’s individual needs. Different diets can be offered based on your pet’s unique lifestyle, age, size or health requirements. Our vets can provide you with the best advice about what diet is most suitable for your pet.

Why do dogs fart

Sudden change to their diet

Switching your pet’s food abruptly can cause stomach upsets, such as vomiting, diarrhoea, flatulence and a decrease in appetite. If you decide to change your pet’s food, you should transition them gradually to give their system time to adjust.

Start by combining your existing food with a small amount of the new food and gradually increase the amount of new food and reduce the old food. This can be done over a period of 5-7 days. If you are switching from wet to dry food, once you have transitioned you can mix a small amount of water with the dry food to make it more palatable.

If you have transitioned gradually and your pet is displaying any concerning signs such as reduced appetite, vomiting or diarrhoea, it is best to consult with your vet. In some cases, it may be necessary to choose a different diet.

Why is my dog farting

Eating too fast

Dogs that eat their food too fast can also end up swallowing a lot of air. This air can result in flatulence further down the track. To tackle this, you can divide your dogs meal into smaller portions to stop them eating large amounts of food in one bite. You can also purchase a slow dog feeder which divides your dog’s food into sections to slow their eating down. It can also make meals a bit more interesting for your dog.

Why do dogs fart

Table scraps

It can be hard to resist those begging eyes but human foods are a common cause of gas in dogs. Unlike us, dog’s can’t easily digest these foods, especially those high in fat or sugar. Some human foods are also toxic to dogs. So if your pet comes over begging for food, its best to give them a pat instead.

For the same reason, make sure your rubbish bin is out of reach to prevent your dog from rummaging through the bin for food scraps. Rubbish can cause all sorts of problems from upset tummies to obstructions so it’s very important your dog cannot access the trash. During walks, always steer clear of trash or other suspicious looking rubbish lying around.  

Why do dogs fart

Foods that encourage flatulence

Certain foods, even those safe for your dog to eat can induce farting. Peas, beans, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower may be healthy treats for your dog but they can also lead to smelly gas. Spicy foods, in addition to spoiled foods can also cause flatulence.  


Keep your dog active with regular exercise and playtime. Exercise helps improve digestion and reduce flatulence. So, if your dog likes to lie around all day, grab their lead and head outdoors to help them walk off that extra gas.

Why do dogs fart

Gastrointestinal issues

If you still need a gas mask around your dog, we highly recommend you take them into the vet for a check-up. Excessive, ongoing gas can indicate a health problem. Several health problems can cause gastrointestinal issues such as intestinal parasites, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal infections, pancreatitis and even tumours. These issues can be quite uncomfortable for your dog so it’s worth having your dog checked out by the vet.


Overall gas is normal for dogs. However, if it’s a regular occurrence it is worth looking into as it may also be making your dog uncomfortable too. For any questions about your pets health, call us on 03 8784 4444.